

These exercises and instructions are in no way to be utilized as a substitute for medical counseling. Please seek medical consultation prior to beginning any new exercise or movement practice. These exercises are designed to be performed by those not suffering from pain. This or any exercise program may result in injury, so you should consult a qualified healthcare professional to make sure physical exercise is safe and appropriate for you. Please follow all instructions within the videos, DO NOT PUSH INTO PAIN and cease performance of these movements if you feel pain, discomfort, aggravate an existing symptom or a new symptom arises. Use the program only as intended and demonstrated. Threes Physiyoga Method (TPM) and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any injury, damage, or loss in connection with any use of this program or the instructions and/or advice expressed herein.


Limitation of Liability: To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, TPM and its affiliates disclaim any responsibility and liability for any injuries, losses or damages arising out of or in connection with your education through our trainings and offerings. In no event shall TPM or its affiliates be responsible or liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from the statements or conduct of any third party or the interruption, suspension or termination of any services, whether such interruption, suspension or termination was justified or not, negligent or intentional, inadvertent or advertent. You understand that you assume all risks of visiting our website and participating in our methods, trainings and offerings.


Medical Disclaimer: TPM is not a medical organization and its instructors or staff cannot give you medical advice or diagnoses. Nothing on this website or any information provided by TPM or an affiliate constitutes physical therapy or has been approved by a licensed physical therapist. No professional/patient relationship has been created by virtue of the existence of this website, the provision of the content hereon or by your participation in any TPM or affiliate offering.


All content on this website is provided by TPM for educational purposes only and without representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied.  Content on this website is also impersonal, is by no means complete or exhaustive, and is not tailored to the needs of any specific individual. Those who read or watch our articles, online videos, or other content within our website assume all risks when using the information provided herein. TPM and its affiliates disclaim any and all liability from the information provided herein.


Furthermore, nothing on this website or any information provided by TPM constitutes medical, healthcare, or psychological advice, has been approved by a medical professional, and is intended as a replacement for professional consultations with qualified practitioners or professional medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment. Injuries are inherent to the practice of yoga, so we urge you to consult a qualified healthcare professional prior to beginning a yoga practice or working with a TPM certified teacher to make sure yoga and other physical exercise is safe and appropriate for you. If, during or after attempting any of the movements or techniques we provide, you experience pain, discomfort, aggravate an existing symptom or a new symptom arises, you should immediately stop the movement or technique and seek advice from a qualified healthcare professional.


The material presented on this website and within our teacher trainings, seminars and workshops are related to the teachings of yoga, not the practice of medicine or physical therapy/physiotherapy. Additionally, while TPM makes links and other resources available on our website, we do not endorse materials or other content found on such websites or elsewhere relating to yoga, physical therapy, or the effectiveness of any such practices.